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About Matching Platform

Matching Process

For Wish/Solution Submitter:

  1. Submit the wish/solution by completing the e-form.

  2. KEO colleagues review your wish/solution. We may require clarification or supplementary information make the wish/solution more comprehensive.

  3. Your wish/solution will be posted on HKU Matching Platform around 1-2 weeks.

  4. Receive email notification when someone is interested in your wish/solution.

  5. Feel free to arrange upcoming virtual/face-to-face meeting on your own.

  6. KEO colleagues will follow up around 1 month later to see if the match is successful.

For Wish/Solution Seeker:

  1. Browse the platform to look for suitable wish/solution that may fit your needs.

  2. Click “Solution Seeker” to fill in the e-form for potential match.

  3. KEO colleagues will help to line up the first email communication of both parties around 1-2 weeks.

  4. Feel free to arrange upcoming virtual/face-to-face meeting on your own.

  5. KEO colleagues will follow up around 1 month later to see if the match is successful.

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About Us

To encourage more interdisciplinary research initiatives and collaborations between HKU researchers, the HKU Matching Platform is launched. It is inspiring and stimulating for us to have some interactions and exchange between the technology we are developing and the medical needs our clinicians see.  

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